A new member is joining our ever growing family tonight. It is a chocolate labradoodle 8 week old puppy. He is quite a chunky pup with long wavy fur. But we are arguing over names. We already have loads of animals (cats and rabbits) and we tend to go for names like Carter, Barry, Roxy etc (rabbits) and Ernie, Jacob, Colin, Edie (Edith), Malcolm etc (cats). But we are stuck on naming the pup. I like names like Dave, Phillip, Deacon etc but the boyfriend is going for the more obvious like Harley (the bf likes motor bikes!), Cadbury (yuk!!) etc. Any suggestions?? So far Deacon and Granville are in the forefront... but would appreciate more suggestions.
We have a chocolate lab called Pepper, we also have dogs called Twinkle,Pippa, Daisy,tilly,Henry,Ellie-May,Rosie,Jinks,Iffy and Pheobie, these are all yorkies, our other labs are called Bruce and Breeze. Our cats are called Portia,Summer,Jingles,Madeline,Megan and Tom(sorry), I have always wanted to call a dog Useless, but not sure I'd want to call it in the park.We have got goats called farquet, Rhubarb, Custard, Jelly, Marigold, and Satin. OK I'm finished know
OK chaps - we got him last friday and were almost certain to call him Granville but when we picked him up he looked so confused and sad that he just looked like an Eric!! So Eric is his name.
But he is gorgous, extremely intelligent (he has trained the children to fetch, pick him up, cuddle, take him for walks etc) and we are finding training him a joy as he obviously loves doing things right and getting a roud of applause for his efforts. This is only his 4th day with us and he is almost toilet trained. Recommend a Labradoodle anytime!!