As the 'Big Brother' and 'Pop Idol' and similar "reality" TV show producers have discovered, to their immense joy, it is possible to create a 'bonding' relationship between a massive section of the viewing public and a pre-set group of individuals, simply by prolonged exposure of one to the other. The lack of appeal in the personalities involved is irrelavent - in fact, using the 'villain' approach actually enhances a character's logevity in the show concerned. As is apparent by the phrasing of your question, you are immune to this particularly effective form of 'entertainment', and will have observed in mute wonder the length and depth of discussions about people that none of us know, beyond the few hundred hours of edited observation we have been given. The point is, you, and indeed I, are in the minority here - people can't get enough of the 'observation' style of TV, the more boring and / or abhorent the behaviour, the more people want to watch it. If anyone finds the reason why this works, a lucrative job awaits, but meanwhile, the fashion will run to its conclusion, and we will simply have to find something better to do than watch it. Tonight - 'Evicition Nomination Night' I'm placing the items in my fridge in alphabetical order - far more satisfying I'm sure you'll agree!