Claiming Land in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Claiming Land

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Oldilocks | 14:01 Wed 28th Mar 2007 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
Can anyone tell me whether we can claim land which has been fenced off and used by us for more than thirty years? If so, how do we go about it?
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the first thing i would do is approach a solicitor with the proof that you have maintained it for that amount of time! they will then get the ball rolling.
Question Author
Thanks for that! Have you any idea what proof would be acceptable?
sorry i dont? i bet your legal man/woman will be able to tell you more?

i noticed this Q isnt in the law section?? you should try it in there!!
Question Author
Good thinking!!! I'll do that!
Hi, My parents moved into a house which had a footpath up the side of the garden but had been incorporated into their garden. My dad always said that if it is not used regularly by anyone for 12 years then it automatically becomes theirs. They have been there 20 years now and nothing has ever come up about it from the council or anyone

Hope this helps
They say seven years and seven days is the magic figure.

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Claiming Land

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