Grease is definitely number one worse sequel....
But also Police Academy, Bridget Jones, Poltergeist, all the Rocky ones and Naked Gun.
The BEST sequels ever, are Godfather and Stakeout, brilliant !
Sorry cyanide, but I only gave you 1 star because I don�t mind Predator 2!
Bridget Jones 2 was agony, but the worst for me had to be Oceans Twelve. Catherine Zeta-Jones as a leather-clad world-class sleuth? Villain Vincent Cassel eluding infrared alarms by break dancing? And Julia Roberts being mistaken for and subsequently pretending to be Julia Roberts? They�re �avin a bubble bath!!
Not the question I know, but I think the best sequel I have ever seen was Aliens - I enjoyed this as much, if not more, than the original Aliens. Sadly, I found the next two very bad. In fact, number 3 turned me off so much that I never saw 4 until it was on TV, and even then I only watched it because there was nothing else on.
am i weird then cause i actually enjoyed Bridgit Jones, edge of reason way more than the first! Lol
My fave sequel was Toy story 2 followed by Shrek 2, then Spiderman 2 better than the originals! How old am i????
From Dusk til Dawn, the most disappointing sequel ever! Not one of the same actors from the first film, different director, and zero storyline. Utter pile of poo!! Didn't even bother with the third film.
But I have to defend Grease 2. Admittedly its not a cult classic like the first but its a great corny film in its own right.