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Group Theraphy

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YvonneM | 14:07 Wed 28th Mar 2007 | Riddles
7 Answers
all solutions contain a collective noun

3)Junvenile lead banging about in company (8)
14) Seriously distressed by fall off in ratings (4,3)
remove hall blind to reveal a picture depicting Holland's eiffel tower (8,4,3)
30) Confront devasting result with flop that is shattering (7,4)

31) dear Italian is at the forefront to get home (7)

34) a cold owner exercised his parade of riders...(9)
38) Extravagant curling by girl to show those in charge (6,5)


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3 Jingbang - a company - anag. of J and banging

It is still very early to be asking for help. Thought the idea of the quiz was self torture for those of us who enjoy doing the quiz at leisure!
Are there unwritten rules stating when it's an acceptable time to ask for help - a week before the closing date, two weeks? The heading clearly states the name of the quiz so those people, like yourself, with a masochistic nature, who wish to continue the torture needn't click on to the post and accidentally get any answers. Others who have spent long enough, in their opinion, trying for answers are entitled to ask for help. If you don't wish to give it, that's fine, that's up to you but don't presume to tell other people what to do.
My answer was meant to be just a light hearted comment. I was certainly not telling anyone what to do. Sorry.
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Now don't get fighting I am not doing the quiz personally its my hairdresser and she gets everyone involved
-- answer removed --
I wasn't trying to start a fight. There had already been a few comments about asking for help on a quiz that didn't have to be submitted until 31st May and I guess this last comment just goaded me to respond. I just feel if people ask for help, and you can give it, then why not.

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