Hi, I agree that this is a matter which needs to be dealt with rather than leaving it, but if your money problems are likely to be over within two or three months it may be worth considering simply not paying your card for this time. If you choose to enter into an Individual Voluntary Agreement (IVA) with your credit card company, with or without the help fo the CAB, it will affect your credit history for up to 6 years. However, if you simply do not pay your credit card bills they WILL charge you interest and late payment fees but when you start making payments again (including the total amount of missed payments) your credit history will only be adversly affected for about 12 months.
This is NOT a long term solution but if you've both just been made redundant for example, but expect to find work fairly quickly it could reduce the impact on your financial future quite positively. However, if you can not forsee any light at the end of the tunnel yet then the previous answers given are very helpful and accurate.
I hope I've been of help!