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legal aid

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clarabeth | 19:18 Thu 29th Mar 2007 | Law
2 Answers
can i get legal aid for a divorce. i earn 1,500 approx per month take home pay and live apart from my husband. wages gross per year are 24,800


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It seems not:

Legal aid for divorce has long been reduced to a poverty benefit with, as of April 2006, eligibility criteria allowing claimants to have only �8,000 or less in capital and �649 or less a month in disposable income

But you should get proper advice from a solicitor about your eligibilty. Many solicitors offer 30 minutes free consultation, which is more than enough time to find out for sure.

contact DIVORCE AID get address from your citizens advice. you write to them then they provide you will a solicitor to phone,they have just helped us.they give you a solicitor to phone for FREE who gives you all the advice you need. if you need address NOW email me at [email protected] i will try and find you the address

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