I assume you're actually asking about the games and not the console. After all without games it would be a useless hunk of plastic and silicon.
Motorstorm looks fab. Not as good as the E3 previews last year but it's still impressive. The game is great as well.
I've also got Resistance but I've not played it that much. Looks ok but as always with console first person shooters the controls are a bit vague and slow.
I've downloaded demos of Gran Turismo, F1 and RidgeRacer as well. They look nice enough I guess but have left me thinking 'So what?'. Bit dull really.
I've also downloaded a demo of Blast Factor. It's a shooter in a similar vein to asteroids and I rather like it. I think it might be a copy of Geometry Wars for the 360. Doesn't exactly put the console through it's paces though and could easily work just as well on any other console or even a low end PC.
Motorstorm is far and away the best game I've played on it yet and looks spectacular.
Not sure it's worth the price. Certainly not when considering other territories are paying far less than the �425 UK price.
I know people like to point out that it comes with a BluRay player but so what? It's not like Sony are doing us a favour. It's only in there so Sony have a chance of winning the HD video format war.
'It�s a risk buying blue ray films. You never know who will win the format war. You could end up with useless discs in the future (like betamax)'
My PS3 games are for my PS3, it doesn't matter if the format doesn't take off unless you start buying movies on Bluray which I'll certainly not be doing for some time.
But you're right about the storage thing, it makes sod all difference to the games. It's just about Sony trying to win the HD movie format war by getting their foot in the door with the PS3.
big d is right, despite what the xbox fan boys will tell you, the ps3 out sold wii and xbox 360 at launch. Just makes me laugh at those idiots who bought 1 or 2 hoping to make a huge profit by selling it on, when sony shipped enough to fulfil preorders and leaving units free to sell after.
What is true is they haven't sold as many as they expected, I'm not an 'xbox fan boy'. I just like good games.
I buy all consoles, don�t really understand this Playstation is better that xbox rubbish. who cares, buy what you like don't follow what everyone else tells you is best.
I like xbox, I like playstations, I like Nintendo, each has its own core of exclusive games.