depending what browser version you are using.and im asuming your using internet explorer.
for Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
1. Click Tools then Internet Options.
2. Click Security.
3. Click Internet.
4. Click Custom Level.
5. Scroll to the Active X controls and plug-ins and verify that the options are set to Enable or Prompt.
6. Scroll to the Scripting Section and verify that Active Scripting is set to Enable or Prompt.
NOTE: Clicking a checked box removes the checkmark and disables the feature.
If you see checkmarks in the Enable or Prompt boxes, do not click on the checked boxes.
7. Click OK.
8. Click OK.
or Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0
1. Click Tools then Internet Options.
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. Click Internet.
4. Click Custom Level.
5. Scroll to Security and verify that all SSL boxes are checked.
6. Click OK to close the Internet Options window.
7. Close and reopen Internet Explorer.
8. Click OK.