Dont hold your breath - I was in a motorbike accident in 1980 and had serious damage to my right wrist (I was told at one point that I may loose my hand) - I still do not have full movement or feeling in that hand, and am sometimes in pain with it. Just accept that it is how you must live your life now, and get on with it. If it does get ant better then thats a bonus - if it does not get better, then you cant change it - you must do what you have to do to get on with your life.
Maybe it is easier for me to just try to get on with things because I was badly hurt and consider myself lucky just to be here - but I have met some amazing people much much worse off - who have the best attitude that you can imagine.
Sorry to give it to you straight, but life can be a bitch sometimes - just look for the good in it, change what you can, and accept what you cant change.