i like names that will suit a person regardless of their age and whatever they may end up doing in life. so probably more traditional names like Dylan or Daniel for a boy, rather than fashion names as they will date.
I am due to give birth to my 2nd child in july. My 4 yr old son is named Isaac. So for a boy's name to coincide his, we've chosen Jacob. We're finding it difficult to chose a girls name and stick to it. I like Lilya also, and Keira.
im due on may 4th my little girl is called emma and if its a boy it will be either Alex or liam so far ive got rebecca or hannah for a girl but im not 100% so i will be checking this thread again for other ideas.
I love the name Adam for a boy, always have done, i'm pregnant with my 3rd child now and if its a boy that will certainly be a name, struggling with girls names although i rather like chloe!!
Hi, I have just had a baby girl and I wanted a name that wasn't very common and so I named her .......
Merren Amelia Rose. A nd she really suits her name :-)