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To explain about the car, bednobs, if your disabled yourself, you should know a little about how it works, I think your showing more than a bit of ignorance here.
as you should know, you only het a certain amount of mileage per year, as I said, we allow her day centre to use it three days a week, they do an average of fifty miles a day, I hardly use it at all, as i'm trying to accrue enough mileage so we can take her on holiday, if we go over the allotted mileage, we have to pay, I think, 10p a mile over, so if you think its doing nothing, think again, and find out a little of what your talking about first,
Thats it now, tcc65 kindly answered my question, for which I am really grateful, I'm not answering any more, so don't bother putting anymore on, and have a look at how Mobility works.