At my college, some of the younger years lift people up by putting a hand on each side of the head and lifting up until the person comes off the floor. Surely this cant be doing any good. What problems could this cause?
i have to push my head up to click my neck, as it gets stuck, and i have been warned that any neck clicking can result in a stroke - unlikely - but can happen.
(a woman once had a stroke becasue she was laying back in a hair salon sink and she was in just a slightly wrong position, so it can happen)
if the person being picked up is overweight with very little muscle strength it could be very dangerous
my brother used to do this to me when i was little and it was horrible then even when i was so small that it didn't do me any harm, he would pick me up then throw me forwards, so i would these guys aren't being especially careful with them.
i would suggest giving them a warning.
also they would get a punch if they did it to me, so theres a chance that others may feel the same way
Numerous problems could result, for instance, repeated lifting could stretch the neck muscles badly, leading to a long giraffe-like neck for the 'liftee' involved.
Also, lifting a whole person using only hands could result in a painful sprain for the 'lifters', so much so that they may end up dropping the 'liftee', making the problem for everyone, much worse as a result.