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I'm in trouble.......

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Mr Tall | 11:44 Mon 23rd Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
Went on the **** yesterday down the Thames watching the London Marathon. Met a mate at the finish line and went for a few beers as you do. Come about 9 o clock and about 12 pints later I can hardly speak - My pal took me home. My missus is ****** at me and puts me to bed. At about 11.30 I get up and try to take a sh*t in the laundry basket, she screams at me and marches me to the toilet. I then somehow take a wrong turn out of the toilet go downstairs to my downstairs neighbours house open the front door go down their stairs and into their bed and go to sleep. My missus wakes up when my neighbours come home from the pub and the wife is screaming to her husband that a strange man is sleeping in their bed. My missus comes rushing down and finds me curled up in my neighbours bed with them freaking out trying to wake me up. Lisa has to pull me up with me in just my boxers and take me back upstairs. This morning I wake up and luckily find a note on my door from the woman downstairs saying please don't be embarrassed it was the funniest thing that has ever happened to them in the whole time they had lived there. So do you think a bottle of wine and an apology cover this


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Well Katie you see blokes say things they dont mean but if its to another bloke they no wnker means nothing but women seem to take offence and it will be removed soon anyway some dxcs reported me lol
Hey mr tall all this means is no sex for a week
When my bf was with his wife he had a night out on the lash and drunk god knows how many pints of guinness. He had to sleep over that night at his wife's parents' house. In the middle of the night he felt the urge to go to the loo but woke up not remembering where he was..needless to say he didnt make it to the loo in time and ended up leaving 'guinness footprints' of poo all along their hall landing on their white carpet into the bathroom!

He was so ashamed he legged it there and then and drove home with it all down his legs....his wife had to say that it was her that did it to save his shame....he never faced the parents again.
but why do men have this need to pee anywhere they fancy when they are drunk? You don't catch women going into wardrobes and laundry baskets after a skin full do you? why is that, anyone know? Its not a dig at blokes, just curious as to why thast all!
Good luck with the apoplogies Mr Tall!!!! LOL
good Q jules - my ex peed in his sock drawer one night after being out on the lash and then wondered why all his pants and socks were wet the next day.

i've always managed to get to the loo no matter how trollied i am.
me too pingping, mind you, its better when they at least get out of the bed to do it isnt it?
I think that they should be grateful you weren't an axe murderer! why was their flat not properly secured while they were out?
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They have 2 teenage sons who were asleep and like me they have 2 chubb locks on their front door and no yale type lock so when unlocked you can just push the door open.

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