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beautiful ad!!!

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xlabhaoisexx | 19:21 Mon 23rd Apr 2007 | Adverts
4 Answers
ok, there is an advert, and i can't remember what it was advertising!! agrrr, but i can here the wee bit of the song in my head and it has the word "beautiful" in it and its a woman singin it in a realli soft voice, can any1 help?? sorry for being so vague...agrrr I really need this song...thnx for any help xxxxxxxx


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is it country mile by camera obscura as seen in the new tesco advert ?????

is she riding a horse ??? if so it's this song
Question Author
nooo, but the voice sounds similar, and I can't remember what it was advertising!! again sorri for being so vague...
hmmm...i think you may be thinking of the m and s clothes advert but i may be wrong, that has a woman singing and she sings 'its all too beautiful', the ad is for clothes. if it is that song then its called itchycoo park by itchycoo park
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no, i know which one u mean, its not that one...unfortunatly, thanx anyway x

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beautiful ad!!!

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