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DNA testing...

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tiggertan | 08:57 Mon 23rd Apr 2007 | Family & Relationships
3 Answers
Hi all,

anyone know if you can buy mail order/home testing kits? I'm sure you can but don't know where. Any information would be greatly appreciated.


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You can buy a kit where you take the dna samples at home and post them for analysis
Hi Tiggertan, there are hundreds of websites offering this service, just make sure you get the right one for your purpose, if you need a legally binding DNA test they are a little more expensive and according to what I read the swabs must be taken by a nurse or doctor. Obviously this is only neccessary if you believe the child isn't yours and you need to prove that to the courts and CSA. Hope you get the result you want!
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Thank you both, this isn't for me and don't think hw will require a legally binding one. I'm trying to help a friend with a cheating girlfriend out.
Appreciate your help!

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