God talk about out of the mouth of babes!! in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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God talk about out of the mouth of babes!!

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PinkFizz | 18:08 Thu 26th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
My son has just asked me why it is against the law to drink a cup of tea after 6 pm. When I looked totally baffled and asked him why he said " Because as soon as its 6 o'clock you put the cups in the dishwasher and pour a glass of wine!!!
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shame on you pink on the wine at 6 pm lol you should least leave it till about 6.30 lol i dont drink wine it makes me sad and cry :(
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Talk about how blooming observant they are!! Well since I started this diet I can barely drink it myself - its as though my taste buds have changed. Don;t like most of it now - which is a good thing!!
what diet are you doing ? have you got much to lose . im getting so fat spending to much time on here not doing much else :( i was going on my bike and walking not done any all week :( bad . im thinking about joining weight watchers not sure . or just buying some bigger trousers .
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lol - I am doing Slimming World - the only one I can do coz its so bloomin easy!! I got weighed again yesterday and have now lost 11.5 lb in 5 weeks.
well done thats very good my sister goes to slimming world she has lost about 24 pounds in about 10 weeks i think which is very good
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Blimey - thats incredible!! Does she have a lot to lose??
i would love to lose 1 stone which is only 14 pounds not much really . i would be happy with that im not that big but my trousers are tight now :(
i think she was about 14 stone so she prob wants to get down to about 11 stone i think .
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lol - to be really truthful I dont care what number the scales say, but its all about how my clothes feel. I had got to the stage where
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I couldnt wear 80% of my wardrobe. Now I can wear 50% - lol
thats great pink its how you feel with your self . people say to me your not fat but i feel fat and yuck . im going to try and stick at a diet or just cut back and only eat healthy and do some exercise . but when i think about needing to lose weight i eat more .
1. On drinking wine - I have a glass whenever I fancy one as the sun MUST be over the yardarm somewhere in the world at any given time.
2. I once lost fourteen stone of unwanted blubber. (I divorced him)
3. During the divorce (which was messy) I really did lose weight on the 'vodka and stress' diet.
4. On a serious note - well done on losing weight. Slimming World are brilliant.
Well done Pinkfizz for your weight lose.That is a great amount to lose. Keep it up. I should think about losing some, or a lot, of weight in the near future. love Brenda x
Oh by the way my husband and I sometimes on a weekend have a "snifter" (drink) about 4.00 oclock. Alittle of what you fancy ah.!

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God talk about out of the mouth of babes!!

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