The ear detaects vibrations in the current medium and the brain translates that into sound. Water is a good medium for the transmission of sound but I don't think the ear is designed to work soley in water.
as we descended from the oceans then in all likelyhood yes. and as an extra fact humans are made up of 80% water, which is salt water hence when we are ill we are put on a saline drip
I asked because it appears that the human ear was designed for hearing under water, the sound resolution to nerve impulse occurs in a water filled chamber, and it appears that adaptations have been added on top of that to overcome the problems of using a water based system in air (adaptations like the 3 bone system and the tympanum ampifier). I dont think some fish not having hearing doesnt mean that humans didnt evolve from an in-water hearing creature.
There is a large belief that alot of our facial features evolved from our early years by the sea, fishing and foraging.
Our downturned nose is a curious feature that prevents water from filling our sinus's whilst swimming. something that other primates lack. it wouldnt surprise me to see similar land/sea quirks in our senses. There is also a belief in some circles that we began to walk on two legs as a result of a more linear bodyline that was more streamlined for swimming. a four legged animal isnt as agile in the water.