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The woman who wears a veil to protect her from modern life

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AB Asks | 10:45 Fri 27th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
58 Answers
Sarah Dacre, 51, wears a veil made from polyester filaments dipped in silver twenty four seven. She believes this veil protects her from the elctrosmog that surrounds us. It comes from mobile phones and wireless broadband amongst other things. Five years ago she experienced symptoms such as sickness, dizziness and high blood pressure. Doctors however, failed to alleviate her symptoms; instead she has diagnosed herself as being electro-sensitive. What do you think? Do you experience any of these symptoms and fail to have them cured? Or do you think this lady is a hypochondriac?


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Im gonna send you the cleaning bill for my keyboard!!!! pmsl
HA HA bet thats baconfoil ,hmm wheres the sun cream
Surely wearing that perilously �digital� watch on holiday would make her arm drop off.
PMSL @ EB and Oct

Oct, she was on holiday and letting her hair down, she can wear a watch if she wants to. Plus it looks just like a real Rolex and only cost �2 from the looky-looky men.
but why nat didnt she cover it in silver foil? i know cos her xray vision couldnt penetrate the foil n-man.jpg

Sarah Dacre's long-term partner, Rod you know, the silver and goldsmith from kent, that redcrx kindly brought to our attention. Well, that's him. He looks vaguely familiar though.

Thanks nat , but yellow just aint me x
Awwww shucks, and there was me getting my hopes up.
sorry love make it red and holey and im yer man chim.jpg

Ok, so there's no holes (that I can see), but this must be you getting all artistic with your hat whilst sat the pc.
Remember it is a health aid not a fashion accessory
Thanks but your harsh x
Only joking - sorry ;-(
Going home now, have a nice weekend ;-)
you toooooooooooo x
its madness, i tells ya!

next thing you know they'll be claiming eating mould can cure you of life threatening infections!!!

or that as a species we would think it a wise move to insert lumps of one of the most deadly substances known to man - in our mouths!!! and have it stay there forever - do they think we were born yesterday??....

utter lunacy, eh?

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The woman who wears a veil to protect her from modern life

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