In our family I got rid of our TV in 1983 before the children were born and they never had access at home to viewing. As a result they developed (I believe) a wealth of other interests and activities but what amazed me most was the ability they developed to always occupy themselves under any circumstances. I don't ever recall them being bored, having nothing to do, being disinterested in what was around them, or missing out unduely as they seemed to see enough TV at their grandparents, friends etc. Neither did they ever express a wish then or now to sit and watch programmes. They are all in their 20's now and 2 of them seldom watch TV, 1 watches a normal amount. I have friends whose teenage children watch TV constantly and whenever we travel together they seem to lack any ability to find any enjoyment / fun, interest or play, from what is around them and it is a constant and loosing battle to amuse them. This is hardly a scientific comparison, but I must admit I am all in favour of reducing TV viewing at all ages.