I will be voting conservative, I have found my local MP Gisela Stuarts efforts to pretend to care about the issues where i live as laughable.
Like all great labour MPs when drawn into an actual problem she merely sits on the fence and does nothing about it.
She also avoids voting on contentious issues, which says to me that she is scared of upsetting some particular area's of society, therefore she is the weakest link.....goodbye!
I would vote *** if they had a standing candidate. But they don't so I will have to vote ****. Not too bad a choice given the overwhelmingly traitorous press given to our current prime minister. This country is destroying itself, and no vote available to me can change that. I just have to assume that Britain is happy to become Islamic.
I'm not certain yet, i'd like to vote Lib Dem but realistically they'll never get in and neither conservative or labour appeal very much. Is it me or are elections lately a case of picking the best of a bad bunch?
well if you vote lib/dem there is a huge chance that they wont get in so effectively its a wasted vote. Im afraid the reality is you have to go with one of the big 2 to make a difference
I will vote for the Independent candidate who was elected last time, she has done an ok job so far, but if a BNP candidate was standing, i would vote for them.
Actually our local Tory councillor is brilliant, both politically & personally. He is a local businessman (he owns & runs a pharmacy or two) family man & all round nice chap.