Hugh, There is nothing I like better than delving into a good conspiracy theory, with an open mind of course. As a Plymothian I was intrigued to find we are at the centre of a subversive political takeover, led by a Marxist Eu. In addition we were becoming the forerunners of a police state. I visited the eutruth website and read what they had to say, particulary the contents of their newspaper, The Devonport Column. I found it to be full of lies, twisted truth and flawed logic. I don't particulary like our council and often disagree with their decisions but this was ridiculous. I won't go into details, it would take too long but I'll just mention one small point. Their criticism of the local press,who it is claimed will not publish issues because of some of their staff being members of Common Purpose. The Herald has run extensive coverage on many of the maters raised in by this website, devoting whole pages of readers letters complaining about the councils decisions. Lastly, in the newspaper it mentions the 'good guys' to vote for at the local elections. I know one of these very well. He is a former member of UKIP and I'm sure will throw some
interesting thoughts into the arena. I can let you know what he says if you are interested.