GBH section 20 in The AnswerBank: Criminal
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GBH section 20

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don18 | 07:38 Tue 24th Apr 2007 | Criminal
12 Answers
charged with GBH section 18 and later dropped to GBH section 20 so pleaded guilty. My only record is for crimminal damage when I was 11 (broke school window) and possesion of cannabis when I was 15, I am now 18. I live at home and work full time.
probation have made a real mess of my PSR, i went last week and they stopped the interview as there was some confusion! I was asked to go back the next week, on my return the lady I saw was not there and they did not have me on the syste!!! I also found out the lady I had seen previously who told me I was goging to prison for 5 years had the wrong file and has mixed me up with someone else. I'm so depressed and confused, what will happen will i definatly geta custodial sentance or is there any hope of a suspended sentance. My self and my family are out of our minds with worry especiall my mum I don't think she could cope if I get sent down. please help.
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did you not think about your family when you committed the crime, but now all of a sudden,you do.the possible outcome could well be a prison sentence, but with todays judges,who knows,lets hope in the future you have learned to curb your aggression,because next time you might kill someone,then its throw away the key time for 15/18 yrs.
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At the time when this person was punching me in the face no I prob didn't.
I don't think you're really helping anybody here Norman!

The difference between section 18 and 20 of the offenses against the person act is for the main one of intent.

It's a rather important difference because section 18 carries a maximum of life whereas section 20 has a maximum of 5 years.

If you take a look down this thread
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question38 2129.html

You'll see I've posted some stats where basically about a third of cases got community service and something over a half got a custodial sentence.

I'd talk to a lawyer if I were you!
jake,are you sure,when we have thugs like this walking the streets,i take it you like reading in the paper about all the people getting beat up,robbed and assaulted,well im sorry,i dont,and as far as im concerned,he should go to prison.
So what was your purpose in posting?

He didn't ask what do you think of me

Did you think he'd turn around and say "Oh thank you now you've pointed out the error in my ways I'll go forward and never be naughty again"?

You're simply getting vicarious kicks gloating over what you see as someone getting his comeuppence.

You've been told nothing of the circumstances and yet you feel justified in laying down the law

If you haven't got anything constructive save it for the News thread
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thank you Jake I know I prob havent explained the circumstances leading up to the event and I appreciate your comment. There had been extreme provercation and it was never my intention to use any type of weapon and his injury was a 2cm cut which he had glued before discharging himself. I know it all sounds really bad but I can honestly say I am not a violent person and have never even been in a playground fight before never mind anything like this. I think it was the weeks and weeks of this bloke digging at me and I just snapped that day when he threatened to do me over. I know what I did was wrong but there is not one day that I do not regret what I did, not just for me but for him and my family.
jake your a 100 % prat
norman there is only one fool around here mate and what a suprise its you as usual

just retire or get put down do us all a favour
typical answer from you redhead
a friend of mine was chrarged with section 18 assault a couple of years ago for putting someone in hospitaland this guy was in a worse state than just a cut that was glued. not that i am saying what you or he did was justifyed in any way. he recieved 250 hours community service and a �500.00 fine. he had no previous convictions.
i hope this helps
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thank you pinkadele,
I know if I get anything like that I will be really lucky.
At presant i am just waiting to be called for sentancing.
just thought id say, my brother got called to court for sentancing on fri and was sentanced to 18months, 9 to be served in a YOI. everyone is devestated and norman hope u feel happy in the fact that ur comments done nothing to help the fragile state of our mum. thanks very much.

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