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Marriage proposals

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warpig3 | 14:37 Wed 09th May 2007 | Body & Soul
20 Answers
just listening to the radio and they are discussing men asking permission from their future father-in-laws to marry their daughter.

How many of you blokes did this and do you consider it to be outdated?


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I would like it if my future husband asked, but I was brought up by my mum, without my dad around, so it would make me really proud if he asked my mum, yep it's outdated, but I am a sucker for romance and tradition.
I certainly didn't ask my father-in-law's permission, as it wasn't his place to permit or deny his daughter to marry.

This wasn't a reflection of a lack of respect for the man, however. He's a thoroughly splendid chap and I was therefore pleased that he was happy that I'd proposed to his daughter. No more than I was that my future mother-in-law was also happy though.

I won't expect to be asked if anyone ever decided to propose to my daughter either. (However, this is quite unlikely, as she's not going to be allowed to date until she's 40...)
I would like my boyfriend to ask.

He says he'd ask my mum for her permission as my dad can be a bit of a pr!ck at the best of times...! Suppose it would depend on how things were with my dad...

But yes, it's a nice gesture and a nice thing to do IMO.
Mr roach did...& granpa roach said ...Do you know what you letting yourself in for ..HUH.!
I don't think i'm bothered either way, it's not my dads decision who i marry & him & my mum have never been my bf's biggest fans! If my dad said no, i would still marry him.
I know it's a nice gesture but i do think it's a bit old fashioned so wouldn't be bothered either way, i don't think my family would mind either.
hmmm yeah i think thats a good point...

If your fella was to ask your parents and they said NO, how many of you would still go ahead and marry your partner...?

I know i would.
my dad would say 'take her please' :-) Hey yall I'm back :-)
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Why doesn't that surprise me 4getmenot!!! How was it in the dungeon by the way, did you find the tunnel I started?
It would also depend whether you were expecting a financial contribution to the cost of the wedding, no?
just got out and thanks for that pork pie you left me along the way. Phew 5 days of digging certainly burnt those calories off. I was innocent I tell you innocent
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Interesting point octavius, do people still expect the brides father to foot the bill even in part. If I mentioned that to my dad he would laugh me out of the house!

My personal opinion is that it is outdated, I am a grown up, who owns their own home (mortgage obviously), has supported themself for over twenty years, is allowed to vote, and have a library card. My fathers consent is not in the equation as far as I am concerned. Also mrwarpig would never have been able to ask him, not from a hospital bed after I had finished with him if he considered it.
i asked my husband to marry me.
My husband asked my Dad's permission. My Dad was dying of cancer and they had a good heart to heart about it. My Dad told him to look after me, our baby (I was 3 months pregnant at the time) my Mum & sister. I'd say he's stuck to his word very well :o)

To be honest I don't think my Dad would have minded if my husband hadn't have asked him but it gave them a chance to talk about what was going to happen after he had gone.

Glad to see you back 4getmenot :o) <Waving>
my mum said they would pay for my wedding and my other 2 sisters unless we moved in with our blokes before we got married and then they would pay half. Her way of stopping us living in sin. Didnt work with 2, just me to go :-)
Mr P asked my dad for 'your daughters hand in marriage' dad replied that as he had everything else he may as well have my hand too..
Mr Nutgone asked my dad, and has been held in high esteem since then for going about things the 'proper' way. But then, my dad is quite old-school about things. Even so, it meant the world to him to be asked. It's a gesture, isn't it?! (He'd never have said no anyway!)

Personally, I thought it was fantastic - it meant the world to me too, and I'm not ancient.

ALLO - well done you! Proper 21st century woman ;o)
yer or a bunny boiler :-) only joking ALLO
i would actually be quite annoyed if my future hubby did this, especially behind my back.

one, because it may mean he has a few old fashioned attitudes to women and their roles that i hadn't seen before, and would concern me.
i cannot stand all that ''traditional roles'' and ''men are the boss'' crap, and will absolutely not have it in my marriage.

two, my dads consent is irrelevant

three, my dad is a control freak and it would make him think he had some sort of say in the matter - he would not see it as the gesture it is meant to be - he would probably get all macho, and start giving a load of rules and orders etc, and get on his high horse, i am 34 and he still thinks he is the boss.
My daughter gets married in 3 weeks and her fiance asked her dad. It may be outdated but it was nice.
I think its cute

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