I hear he is to make an announcement tomorrow regarding his future. Wouldn't it be funny if he said he was staying until the end of this term of office!? Can you imagine the look on Gordon Brown's face?
Does anybody really care what he will be doing in the future?
Isn't it enough that he's going and taking the ghastly Cherie - and the even more dreadful Prescott with him? Oh, joy, I can't wait!
My guess is that he will become either a roving Ambassador or European President - something along those lines. In any case you can bet the money will be very, very good!
I can imagine the look on everyone's face, in and out of parliament. But I don't think he can just call an election - don't you have to persuade the queen that you're unable to rule as things stand? As she's at the Kentucky Derby, I imagine she'd take a dim view of being called home to dissolve parliament.
...but when John Prescott punched a man, in the face, while campaigning for an election, he became a cuddly cult hero / figure of fun for me. He just makes me chuckle.
In my opinion the public should be voring for a new president..sorry..prime minister, when the present one stands down.
Why should it be taken as read that Labour voters want Gordon Brown as leader? I know, I know..it's the way things are and people vote for a party and not a leader.
Labour or Tory, you're still going to be stuck with him.
If labour win again, he'll carry on being John Prescott. And if the tories get in, he'll put on a wig, a dress and that funny voice and be the Rt Hon Mrs Ann Widdecombe.
Quite honestly if I had a choice between Anne Widdicombe and Gordon Brown as the next Prime Minister, I'd vote for Anne Widdicombe every time. She's straightforward, honest and says exactly what she thinks. I don't think there's an ounce of "spin" in her. But when I think about all the devious processes which Gordon Brown has brought about during his time in office as Chancellor I don't think this augurs very well for the future.