Telegraph GK change of address in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Telegraph GK change of address

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Nusquam | 08:11 Sat 12th May 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
Beware - the address for the Telegraph G K crossword has changed this week (or did I miss it last week??) That's another page of labels wasted.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Thanks Nusquam ... I think it actually changed last Sunday.
Thank you for that, Nusquam. Maybe that is what they meant by 'due to postal delivery problems' in that they couldn't announce the list of prizewinners. You are very organised with your labels!!! I must learn how to do that on my printer one day! Back to the crossword now ....
Thanks for the tip. I would have stuck a ready printed label on as usual. Don't think i have to waste too many.
Phew thanks...............19 labels down the pan !!!
As a matter of record, the DT cannot blame their c***-up on their change of address for this week's Xword. I have photocopies of both last Saturday's and last Monday's puzzles,and by Monday they had still not changed the usual addresses. The new address appears for the first time in today's (Sat 12th) paper, unless it was mentioned at some point during the week, when I don't bother to take the paper. More likely it was something to do with the the Bank Holiday, when rural hicks like me have no postal collections at all until the Tuesday morning. If the DT genii had any sense they would extend the closure dates by one day whenever there is a Bank Holiday...surely not beyond the wit of man (or even of KM)!!
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What was needed was a message by the crossword IN LARGE TYPE pointing out the change of address. I see the Saturday Prize Crossword address is still E14 5FD so I wonder why the change just for GK.

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Telegraph GK change of address

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