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where's my profile??

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jno | 16:10 Wed 16th May 2007 | Site Suggestions
19 Answers
Dear Ed, it seems users including me are finding their Profile tabs - Q's I answered, Threads I'm involved in etc - don't work anymore. Have you siphoned off all the electricity to run the new answer timing devices? Please can we have them back?


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yep, all the knobs have fallen off my drawers too & I can't get into them
Same here - p'raps the tech's can't multi-task like us ladies!
Oh dear - it's gone all funny- or am I having an off day?? Can't get into my profile. oh deary deary me. < goes back to her tatting >
give it time I'm sure they will be back. :-)
Sorry folks, I'm starting to think that I am Miss Marple.
What's tatting?
lol @ B00....hahaha
I was wondering the same....thought it might have summink to do with preparing dinner....?
isn't it knotting rags to make rugs ! tut don't these people know anything tuttut
Anyway, if none of you knows, then I can say it's absolutely anything.
Well you learn someting new every day!
Question Author
Wikipedia: "Tatting may also refer to Dumpster Diving"
hahaha lol jno....I think that's more our neti

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where's my profile??

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