I got a Russian Dwarf Hamster Last week. I bought a lovely little wooden bed/house for it to sleep in.. and also put soft fabric shavings in there to make it cosy...
But it moved all the fabric shavings into the tube of the cage an now sleeps in there... Why has it done this?
hi erin rose
all my kids hamsters do this and i wouldnt worry about it. It obviously feels more secure in there so id leave it. My youngest sons hamster drags all its bedding through into his wheel ans sleeps in there !!!!!!
Even my rabbit had a big cardboard tube he used as his bed! From my experience with hamsters, you may even find he will use the house as a toilet or a food store. Just hope its not both!! :)
Yep nothing to worry about, I have 3 dwarf hamsters and every time I clean out their cages and replace bedding where I think they want it they decide to move to a completely different place, and tubes are definitely a favourite.