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Turbans at work

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Beanmistriss | 10:58 Fri 11th May 2007 | Society & Culture
3 Answers
Not sure if this is the right place but here goes. I was driving past road works the other day and all the workers had hard hats on. There was a man there with a turban on but no hard hat. Are people who wear turbans exempt from wearing hard hats, do they have a special turban shaped hard hat, do they get an extra big one to fit on top? I don't know, do you?


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Apparently Sikhs are exempt from wearing crash helmets on motor bikes as a turban is supposed to give as much protection. So I suppose the same applies. The odd thing is that a non-sikh is not allowed to ride a motor bike wearing a turban instead of a helmet.
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Thats weird. Thankyou
Perhaps he had his helmet under his turban? ;-)

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Turbans at work

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