Electric switches in The AnswerBank: DIY
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Electric switches

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malibu2680 | 13:26 Thu 19th Apr 2007 | DIY
7 Answers
Hello - I know very little about electrics/wiring and I am looking to replace all my existing white switches & plug sockets with metal ones. However - when i look round the shops & on the internet the switches say either '1 way', '2 way' or '3 way'. I think I've picked up on the gang number being the number of switches, but what do the 'way's' mean and how will i know which ones to get for my kitchen as the sockets & switches are still on the wall at the moment. Thanks
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As most fires in the home are started by an electrical fault this is one area where specialist knowledge is required and therefore unsuitable for the DIY odd jobber.
If you want metal switch covers you must have a suitable earth supply to all light fittings as well as the switches and wall boxes, while is part of the wiring regulations it never used to be. So check this out before fitting your new switches, otherwise if you had a fault you could get a nasty shock from the switch itself, something that is less likely to happen with a plastic switch.
Ohhhh 5hhhhiiiiiiittttttttttt
1 way switches operate from 1 position, 2 way from 2 positions, 3 way dont exist. However intermediate switches will switch from 3 or more positions with wiring reconfiguration.You were correct about the gang numbers , they represent the amount of switches on the plate.
Make sure you have a true earth facillity at each outlet before buying light switches.Good luck
Listen best advise, dont bother, get an electrician in, dont play with it, done badly it will kill you, or the next person who buys your house, its horses for courses.
Hi - Thanks for this. Decided to take Hairyplums advise & get an electrician in! Thanks again for everyone's help.

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