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Castles and Castle ruins

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feebee102 | 14:22 Wed 23rd May 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
A big thanks to fellow ABers.
Just got prize in the post.Came 2nd 106/110.Winner had 107.
How did you others do?


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hi there congratulations I only got 94 but enjoyed doing the quiz, looking forward to the next one.
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The next one is football teams.Think I will give that one a miss lol.
hi feebee102. Got home from work late today and have just opened my post after watching the football final. Sorry, but I'm the one that pipped you by a point, it's was a nice surprise though and almost makes up for the footie result.

Which ones did you get wrong, mine were 59, 78 and 81?

Thanks also to ABers who helped by providing clues and/or answers.

Question Author
I got wrong
30. Had Penshaw
59. " Fotheringhay
78. Mount batten
81. Spynie

I think he has a feww wrong again.
In the Oxford english dictionary Holt is an Otter den,no mention of woodland.
And 78 I thought it was Louise Mountbatten who was killed on his boat by the IRA.
Oh well it is all a bit of fun.
I asked one of my neighbours if they where sending in the quiz.they said "No it's a waste of time withpeople like you who get the answers off the internet".I did point out that I printed off thirty odd pages of Castle names and I still had to plough through them to get the right answer.Much like getting a book out of the libary.
Are you going to do the football one?
Question Author
By the way congratulations.
Have been doing these quizes for years so it was nice to finally be picked out.
I got 59, 78 and 81 wrong too (had the same answers as you), and luckily plumped for Penshurst instead of one or two other options. Fotheringhey is technically correct as it is one of a few castles Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned in, and it was Mountbatten who was killed by an IRA bomb, I've never heard of a cousin of the Queen called Montgomery so think perhaps that is an error on the setters part. I've looked up holt on encarta and one of the meanings is an archaic word for a wooded area as well as an otter's lair.
Anyway, we have to accept the quizmaster's answer whatever we think.
I'll probably get the football one as I like my footie so it could be interesting to see the format.
Congatulations on your runner up prize too, now that you've started winning you'll hopefully get first prize next time.

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Castles and Castle ruins

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