baby bluetit in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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baby bluetit

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leviticus | 14:20 Wed 30th May 2007 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
I have a baby bluetit in a shoe box in my kitchen its mother and father are nowhere 2 be seen.They are nesting in the cavety in my house but have found there way in.The problem is that this bird can't fly and is very very hungry and i don't know what i can feed it on please help me.Thank you.
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Generally speaking, most young birds 'found' abandoned at this time of year are not abandoned at all- the parents are nearby and will contine feeding them. Unfortunately most 'abandoned' birds rescued by well meaning people will die through malnutrition. They are ALWAYS best left where they are found.
However in your case if it has managed to get indoors then you can hardly leave it indoors!! Try putting it outside- its calls will attract the parents - however nature can be cruel and you will likely find a dead bird in the morning.
If you feel you must feed it then be prepared for hard work. Blue tits are seed and insect eaters but will only feed insects to their young. So either start collecting insects and slotting them down the bird with a pair of tweezers. Or get a pint of maggots from the fishing shop and chop them if they are too big. I once raised a starling which fledged and flew- long hard work at all hours of the night and day! When it flew it joined a flock of starlings- flew back and landed on my head as if to say bye and flew off with the flock- quite moving!
what a lovely ending to your post burnhal.

we once found a baby sparrow and father-in-law advised to leave it, he raised a baby wild bird years and years ago.
sorry not much help leviticus
Take it to your local vets - they will contact a wildlife shelter who can look after it.
Most pet shops sell meal worms - blue tits love these - might be too big for a baby tho.
Or if all the shops are closed - look under big stones for worms (you might have to cut them up tho)

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