Yes, history is written by the pen of the victor and whilst uncle Julius was a fine old chap indeed he painted a pretty picture of a vicious and violent campaign and told the Roman Senate exaclt what they wanted to hear. The valiant Roman General, the glory and expansion of Rome, civilising the barabarian hoard etc etc.
There is no doubt that he must have been a charismatic, clever and astute general in order to get his men to accomplish what they did, but no doubt conversely to how the gallic tribes viewed the affront.
Yes folks, but as I said: 'What a guy, what a story'.
Please note that somewhere in Europe there
exists, or did exist, a creature which is constrained
to sleep whilst standing upright. It's congenital
lack of knees preclude it from lying down, as
it would never rise again.
This is true. Caesar tells the story, and I believe
everything Caesar says.