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long haired dogs

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shalforette | 15:19 Thu 31st May 2007 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
this is just a moan! I am a dog groomer and have just spent the last 4 hours brushing out all the knots and matts in a bearded collie. Not nice for me and as kind as I tried to be horrible for Max. Why when people buy a dog do they not consider the care required. If you havent got the time to care for a long coat get a short haired dog.
Moan over.


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Oh I agree also people dont consider size of house ..amount of money required for vets...injections ect..accidents... food and upkeep in general and of course grooming. same old story...adorable pup but no thought to the implications which is required....thats my moan over.
I have a friend with a beardie who used to bring it to me to groom occasionally and it was always in a right mess, he stopped bringing her as I went on at him, and now chooses to have her clipped instead, poor soul. I have a long coated breed, and they just need a good weekly groom, to keep them knot free and looking good, which is not too much to ask.
My cats came from the same litter. Frankie is smooth coated and that is not a problem to groom. However Merlin - his sister - is long haired.

I really need to 'do' her daily or her hair will start clumping together. She had a massive ruff during the winter, like a big scarf, but that is almost all out.

She looks like she has a massive ar5e and thunder thighs, but it is all hair. She is a nightmare to groom - she gets bored and wanders off which would be no problem in a good natured cat. But Merlin knows all about Girl Power and will bite me and scratch me with malice if I try to restrain her or keep grooming after she has had enough.

I thought about a couple of treatments of laser hair removal to thin it out a bit :-)
Ahhh but if everyone was capable of caring for their long haired dogs wouldn't that mean you'd be out of a job?
I have made my views n this clear very recently. Why buy a long haired dog and then either let it get in a state or have it clipped.

As for BOO, I don't thin groomers take up this profession to sort out the problems that people cause by ignorance, they do it because they like to work with animals and make them look nice.
Blimey Lankeela, chill a bit will ya? It was a joke (ish) response!
And what about Mrs Hubbard who up till a few years ago was very sprightly, who now sadly is unable to brush old Rover like she used to due to arthritis, would you have the same response then Lankeela?
My Samoyed is a monster to groom! He turns it into a huge game and chases and bites the brush until my partner restles him to the floor and holds him for me, which the dog still thinks is a great game and gives my bf huge slobery kisses!
We do take him to a groomer once every 2/3 months though for a proper pamper!

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long haired dogs

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