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access to property

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westcliffe | 12:14 Sun 03rd Jun 2007 | Civil
3 Answers
the landlord of the property next door will want access to my property to do some painting,the query is am i forced to give him this,normally i wud allow this but i am he is a wee bit confrontational.


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Probably yes - the deeds to most properties these days give neighbours the right to access where necessary for the purpose of repair/maintenance to their own property.

But it's not a 100% rule - check your deeds or get you landlord to check them
Why not talk to him and see if you can resolve the problem, and not look for reasons to have an argument?

say yes,
the neighbouring property mustn't look like a doss-house as this impinges on yours

and say/demand reinstatement. - they have to clean up their mess.

(one of my neighbours said, I am only gonna clean up things if I am negligent, and we not surprisngly said, on your way, and even the judge couldnt believe that)

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