Chicken Roulade
(Serves 4 People)
Chicken can be very elegantly prepared. This is a recipe that makes sense. Use the legs to stuff the breast, use mushrooms to replace the fat in the forcemeat and finally, use the bones to make the sauce. My friend Patrick Constant, at Le Grand Chancelier Restaurant in Cheverny France, made of the Chicken Roulade, his specialty.
Tools: pastry pin, baking pan, cutting board, boning knife, Chopping knife or meat grinder (optional)
Ingredients:- to convert -1 lbs. puff pastry rolled 1/8" thick -2 3 � chicken - 1 lb. sliced domestic or wild mushrooms - 2 tsp. chopped garlic - 1 tsp. finely chopped thyme - salt, black pepper - olive oil - 4oz. Chicken Madeira sauce - 1 oz. chopped parsley - � oz. - 1 shot brandy (optional)
Steps: 1)Debone and skin the two chicken entirely, reserve the breasts. 2)Saut� the mushrooms with oil in a very hot pan to a golden color. 3)Grind finely the leg meat and the mushrooms. Add the garlic, brandy and thyme, salt and pepper and saut� a little patty to check the seasoning (correct it if necessary). Put that stuffing in pastry bag. 4)Between two plastic sheets, pound the breasts. Lay down the stuffing in the middle (and lengthwise) of each breast. Roll in the stuffing and tight up with a twine. 5)Season and saut� the chicken rolls in olive oil, to a golden brown. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. 6)Remove the string and wrap up the chicken in the puff pastry. Let rest for one hour. 7)Bake the rolls in a 400� preheated oven, on a sheet pan for 10 min on one side and after turning it, 10 min on the other side. 8)Cut the roll on both side and again in diagonal. Make each piece stand up in the plate and serve with the Chicken Madeira Sauce sauce. If you have many ro