I have some herb plants that I bought but I am worried that some do not look to chipper.
The mint has started to die, there are some healthy leaves and stems but others have just whithered away.
The dill just flops over but looks green enough so I am assuming that is ok.
The basil is doing great but starting to grow quite tall (well about 10"), is this ok or should I be doing something to maintain the height as it is and encourage it to be bushier.
Some of the parsely heads are going a bit yellow while others are vibrant green.
I have a gardening book but it doesn't give me much info. Also I am not a gardener.
I assume you bought your herbs in pots and have now planted them out into the garden. Parsley often does die back initially. Many of the small leaves on my young plants have gone yellow and died but if you keep it well watered and the soil is good the roots will eventually establish themselves and it will start to thrive. Keep the mint well watered too, and if possibly sprinkle a little well rotted manure or compost around it to kick start the roots. if you want to stop your basil from growing too tall, nip out the top growing points of each stalk and you will get new sideshoots soon forming lower down, making it more bushy.
Thank you wendy, I have repotted them into large terracotta pots as there is no soil in the back garden (more of a yard really) but plenty of sun. Will keep an eye on them.
My pots full of parsley, mint and sage have just been ravaged by slugs! Tried getting some slug poweder from the local DIY store but they had sold out completely, I guess lots of people are having the same problem at the moment
ajwt2 the basil looks like something has definitely had a go at it. I think I read somewhere that puting vaseline round the tops of post stops slugs but I cant remember where I read that, maybe I dreamt it, failing that apparently copper around the tops of plant pots works as well, might google that later to be sure. Isn't it amazing that slugs are able to seek these plants out, the little scoundrels!