Well Toad old friend, last night's offering didn't attract many punters, I think we actually achieved nil points, but let's stick to the grindstone and see if you can come up with any classics tonight. Could you do 'I went, PAHDUN !!' - just for me ?
(Emma's in it !!!!! wayhay !!!!)
It's deep, it's fruity, I could bend down right now and give it a great big kiss
Good Clean Plate O' Food !!!!!!!!! PMSL
I could do a serious act with Emma
Why do we have to watch stuck-up fat so-called food critics ? Load of effete wamkers.
Kate Spicer needs an air gun pellet in the head, even more so than any magpie.
SCHOOLBOY ERROR !!!!! (Thanks John)
You sent EMMA home, you miserable people. Emma, gone, my life is at an end, I am back to Poirot tapes.