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Our overstretched troops

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anotheoldgit | 02:53 Wed 13th Jun 2007 | News
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Our troops are being overworked yet no one seems to bother. After serving in Bosnia they are given a short break then it is off to Iraq for 6 months, another short break then off to Afghanistan, then after another short break the periods of active service start all over again.

How much more of this can our brave overstretched troops endure? Isn't it time we said to our Nato allies that we are moving our troops out of the danger area of Afghanistan at least, it is now time for others to take their turn now.


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"Good morning M. Sarkozy, Tony here,

You remember when George and I invaded Iraq and the Americans started calling French Fries Freedom Fries because you weren't very supportive....well our troops are getting a bit overstretched now and we were wondering if you'd like to help out...


...Hello..Hello M. Sarkozy?"


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We currently have more troops in N.Ireland than in Iraq or Afghanistan. We really shouldn't over-commit ourselves in the first place. We no longer have an Empire, and in world terms we are just a minor European country and should start behaving like one.

I genuinely feel sorry for the part time soldiers ie TA . Talk about soldiering on the cheap. They should be forced to see a psychiatrist before a posting to Afghanistan or Iraq. At this rate to serve all our committments abroad maybe a callup will be necessary.
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Good link Gromit, this was somewhat of a surprise to me, we are even more overstreched than I first thought.

It would be interesting to find out what this deployment of our troops across the world is costing the British taxpayer, and why we allow this waste of lives and money to take place. But then we will march on London to complain that some football club wasn't deducted a few points, so perhaps this is deemed much more important.

What are your thoughts on our NATO allies though?

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Our overstretched troops

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