The train fare from Rye to Brighton in Sussex is �14 day return the milage is 100 mile return the petrol is �25 thus for four people to travel to Brighton for a day is double by train. Why can't the train companies reduce the fare or mulitiple bookings as the train is going there anyway
so dave, how much do you spend a year on tyres, brake pads, exhaust parts? how much on tax? how much on insurance? Gatso fines? and when you arrive in brighton, how much did it cost you to park?
OK, OK, so you have the car already so it makes sense to use it - but by highlighting only petrol money against public transport fares, you're not making a fair comparison.
Hi All
many thanks for the answers to my rants
I consider myself royaly told off but will still use the car on Sunday as it is a recycled car which cost me �600 a year ago as a part exchange seller.
I will use it untill it dies then recycle to scrap yard and buy another cheapie this this I have done for many years (I am 62 years old and have never paid above �750
As i live in a village I will still have to use a car to return home if it is past 8 pm as no public transport thus still have parking charges (lower than Brighton)
Again many thanks
Dave G