We have a very rich and evolved language, and really we should celebrate its constant evolution, whether we like it or not. I wouldn't say that anyone using or not using vocabulary is snobbish or lazy but people who belong to those extremes will no doubt consider it of the other.
If our language didn�t evolve we might say something akin to Middle English (after Old English/Saxon from Norman conquest to late 13th C) perhaps even up to early modern English like:
And farewel, swete, my worldes blysse! I praye God youre sorwe lysse. To lytel while oure biysse lasteth (14th C)
Or even Shakespearian English (who himself invented nearly 2,000 words in his works and experienced his own process of artistic growth, to find its adequate projection in dramatic form). But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? (16th C)
General Elizabethan: You madame are a wayward toad-spotted vassal, and her husband is a churl.
Perhaps early Victorian. You Sir, are a scoundrel and a boor!
Late Vic/ Early 20th C. Cor guvnor strike a light, and that ain t no mistake.
Post modern: Gr8 innit m8. C u l8r 4 bevs.