I feel I must make a couple of points. Firstly, timeshare and holiday clubs are two different things - the first is usually (but not quite always - watch out) ownership in a shared property, week by week. Thousands upon thousands of people, including myself, are perfectly happy with theirs. It may not suit everyone, but it has worked well for us (apartments for up to six people, two bathrooms, fully equipped with access to pools, sauna. etc. thrown in, all for around �400 a week total in the exchange system - in lots of different countries). Timeshare can be and is often re-sold, but because sales agents at the development stage take such a high commission, what you get will in most cases be well under half your capital outlay (aim to choose well and keep it). Holiday clubs are travel agents overselling their promises which are not tied to anything as a guarantee - when they fold or do a runner you have absolutely nothing in your hands, a property based timeshare gives you a title deed which must be registered with the proper authorities. If you paid by credit card and the promised holiday does not materialise then ultimately you can turn to your card issuer for full recompense on misrepresentaion (which is against the Credit Act) but don't leave it for too long to test the promise (some, perhaps many, are kept).