When im bored or nervous i tend to eat a lot, what can i do with my hands to keep me from going to the fridge again and again? What do you do to stop you from pigging out?
Don;t buy anything to replace the stuff in the fridge....Put some fresh chopped carrotts in the fridge and pig out on them....Eat an apple, there is a chemical in the skin that suppresses your appetite....put 5 lots of fruit and or veg in the fridge so you get your recommended daily intake.
What I do when I feel like a "snack" when I know I'm not even hungry is drink a glass of water... So everytime you get a craving drink a glass of water...
You say its not hard but it is when you live with your nan who gets up every morning and bakes. Seriously she has trouble sleeping so every morniing i wake up and theres a cake or pastry or something gorgeous but fattening.
I do eat a lot of fruit and veg too, im just gonna have to find some will power.
Thanks for all your suggestions.
Stay on the computer - I don't allow any food or drink in the study - or anywhere except the kitchen/dining room or outside. This saves me finding half eaten apples under beds and keeps crumbs and spillage confined!