I am curious as to when sex was planned in your opinion. I have been sexually active for the last 33 years and it is only in the last 10 years I have had to plan it - sometimes with military precision so that neither my partner or I are to tired, to busy, to just something else. Previously I was anticipating with some justification sex was going to happen, planning not necessary.
Flippancy aside I think it is desperately sad that some couples didn't have the foresight to ensure unwanted pregnancies don't occur, often relyinig on the most unreliable methods. I remember partners assuring me that they would withdraw in time to prevent ejacuation, with the unsaid subtext was thier affection (sic) woudl be withdrawn if I didn' t go along.
I would be interested to know the age of most women who have terminations, and whether this is because they are young and feel infallible (sigh what it was to feel like that). In addition it may be a very small number but how many pregnancies occur when contraception was used but not effective?
Termination as a form of contraception has a terrible repercussion on the women.