does anyone have any ideas how to store handbags? i'd like to be able to get to each one easily so that i can grab one to match my outfit each day etc, stuffing them into stack boxes never worked cos some of them can crease easily, and i had loads of boxes, tried hanging them on a rail, but found it difficult to get to any middle ones so i never bothered to change bags!, hooks i'd need too many. so any ideas will be gratefully accepted.
thanx chazza, i'd like to keep em out of sight really, i have a walk in cupboard under the stairs and would like to make use of it for coats/shoes and especially bags!
You could hang each bag on an S hook and hang them on a rail in the cupboard and just slide them along just like you do clothes on coat hangers.
Hope this helps.
By the way, I don't know if you do this but put all your important bag contents into a kind of soft shoe bag so each time you change bags you just take out the bag and put it into the other one.