Our neibours took down our hedge and clearly put there fences on our land. Becuse we are absolutely peney less and we have checked we cant get legal aid nor much help from CAB. We have been coressponding with their solicitors. They wont let us take down these fences. erected about 3 years ago. what they are saying is to pay half of �3000 for joint expert survior to find out exactely where the boundries are. we cant afford it. what can we do. PLEASE SOME ONE GOT ANY IDEA?
I agree - given that you have left it 3 years before mentioning it to them. One of the problems is that there is no definitive features that confirm the exact boundary between many pieces of land. If it was your hedge, are there any circumstances you can point to that confirms this.
what do you mean you are penny less,it seems to me you own some land and have a house of some sort on it, if you are serious about this and they have taken a lot of your land,then take them to court,you must have some sort of deeds showing the boundaries of your property,all your costs will be paid for by your neighbour if it is proved they acted illegally ,but leaving it for 3 yrs will not have helped.
Your house-deeds should have the boundary of your property marked. Could you check your deeds? Or, what about contacting the Land Registry - they should have information regarding property boundaries.