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del8oy | 17:36 Fri 29th Jun 2007 | History
6 Answers
What does the prefix "tre" mean in Cornish. Thanks in advance.


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Settlement I think... I swear JNO just answered this!
The common Cornish prefix TRE means hamlet or farming settlement and possibly having pre-Norman origins circa 500 A.D. it is not normally used later than 1100 and indicates early occupation of the site. The suffix WAUN (old Welsh) means meadow or down hence the name Trowan probably describes a settlement or habitation "in the meadow".
I answered it in Travel, China Doll, you answered it in History. Miraculously, our answers are the same. And Ethel's is even better.
Well of course they're the same jno, I'd just seen yours! :0)

I only clicked on cause it said Cornwall and I thought it might be about the little festival down there last weekend. Then I got confused cause I couldn't see your answer.
not half as confused as me; I had to go back into my profile to figure out what was going on.

'By Tre, Pol and Pen
You may know the Cornish men.'
Poldark lolo my fave Cornishman

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