If you have everything in your my documents folder .... the absolute simplest way is just drag the entire folder over to the new drive.
if not things get a little more complicated
also you won'y be including settings, favourites or cookies etc
98 does come with it's own backup tools (not the best ... but already there! - see help or
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/ph/1 139?sid=182
copy the line between the *****s (don't include the ***s) to a text file .... call it backup.bat
change the x in "x:\backup\" to your usb drive letter
xcopy "c:\my documents\*.*" "x:\backup\" /m /e /-y
and remember to run it regularly
that's the idea of any backup prog.... it just backup all files once ... after that (generally) they only copy the files that have changed - and you set a timetable.