AB Editor,
I am very well thank you for asking.
As I don't know the usual address, having never contacted you, I will reply to you in here.
There is as much chance of me writing next weeks sports blog as there is you returning the Sport section to the way it was before!
I have neither the time nor the inclination to contribute to a section of AB that I have been openly against since its inception.
Why would I waste my time writing something that would only be read by maybe half a dozen people who happen to venture into the SAB on a regular basis? Come to think of it, why do you?
Thank you for noticing that I am a sport enthusiast and have a great deal of sporting knowledge, its a pity they are not put to use in the SAB!
P.S. If I ever want a blog writing entitled "How to mess up a perfectly good section of AB" I will contact you on the usual address.