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fairkatrina | 01:55 Sun 01st Jul 2007 | News
12 Answers
Heard on the radio before a COBRA meeting was called earlier today. Is it just me or is Gordon Brown jumping the gun a bit? Or do they know something we don't...?


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Why should they not have done? They will be reviewing the progress of the investigation on a regular basis and that would have been for the London bombings and the increase in other potential attacks.
there have been 3 attempted terrorist attacks on the UK mainland in less than 48 hours, I would be baying for Brown's blood if he hadn't held a meeting of COBRA
fairkatrina, you are perfectly correct, but it's all part of their job isn't it?
We held a COBRA meeting at a secret destination in an Indian restaurant somewhere deep under Whitehall last night- despite some of us were drinking Kingfisher instead.
They always seem to have these COBRA meetings post an event so they are only acting following the recent terrorist attacks. Any pre information would probably be handled solely by the intelligence agencies.
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Just to clarify the meeting was called before the Glasgow airport incident. I just think that if COBRA is our 'in desperate times' committee then they should wait until times really are desperate. At the point they called the meeting there were only a couple of unexploded car bombs. I know it's a scary thing if you're caught up in it (one of my best friends was in the Warrington McDonald's that blew up a couple of years ago, so I'm not just spouting nonsense from my armchair) but it's hardly a threat to the security of the country as a whole is it?
Only a couple of car bombs and failed suicide attack?

Fairkatrina, how can you possibly conclude that this was not ' a threat to the security of the country as a whole'? There was a failed attempt to blow up the terminal building at Glasgow airport, and if they had managed to execute it properly , scores of people could have been killed as they milled around waiting to check in for their flights. The day previously car bombs were found in London and again it's lucky nobody was hurt. The fact that there were few or no casualties is not indicative of a wholesome security situation in the UK. There are still angry and determined people out there that slipped through the net, and we must all be vigilant and avoid the type of complacency you appear to exhibit.
And they are practicing doctors as well. The world has gone mad. These loonies should be given psychological tests before being allowed entry.

It makes me sick. Our troops are in their countries protecting the population and they return the favour by bombing us to smithereens. Let the soldiers return and protect this country.
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As I said before, the COBRA meeting was called *before* the Glasgow airport incident. Two car bombs does not a national crisis make. I was asking if maybe the powers that be knew something we didn't and it seems I was right!
How does two car bombs in London not make for a national crisis, what are they to do, sit back and wait for next time?

Sorry fairkatrina but you are wrong wrong wrong!

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